Congratulations! Buying a home is one of the biggest steps in securing you and your family’s financial future. It is a very exciting time with benefits that can generate excellent returns. However, with this type of investment, risks too can be abundant. Houses are large structures with a vast number of components of varying complexities. Without warning, a seemingly small and insignificant defect can quickly turn into a costly repair.
So, what to do? Your offer has been accepted, now what? Should you call your handy uncle to evaluate your prospective home? Should you trust the disclosure form to be a comprehensive outline of the home’s systems? Will your initial walk-through be sufficient enough that you will confidently hand over hundreds of thousands of dollars? Maybe these options will work for a small few, but they are not dependable enough for a significant majority of people. If merely thinking about this gives you a feeling in the pit of your stomach, you should not fret. Your piece of mind is only a phone call away!
The best and wisest solution to ease your home buying anxiety is to hire a licensed home inspector. Both the state of Massachusetts and New Hampshire have adopted a very robust licensing protocol for home inspectors. From pre-license training, continuing education, as well as a comprehensive set of “Standards & Practices” (rules), the Bay and Granite states put the best interests of homebuyers at the forefront.
It is important to remember, NO HOME is perfect including newly constructed ones. Maintenance and care will be a continuous cycle that should be anticipated by all new homebuyers. Hiring a licensed home inspector will better help you understand current or previous deficiencies and better prepare you to mitigate future issues.
Give us a call or click here to book an inspection today!
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(603) 241-0954
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